Eightfold Real Estate Advisors, LLC provides loan workout advisory services for real estate owners/borrowers.
Eightfold has particular expertise in loans that have been securitized via commercial mortgage backed securities (“CMBS”). The Eightfold Advisors team has unparalleled experience in CMBS and loan workouts having been responsible for the resolution of more than 2,700 loans with an unpaid principal balance of $25.7 billion. Eightfold also has capital to invest to facilitate real estate workouts that require a capital infusion.
Eightfold understands the incentives of the various players in the CMBS structure and because of its years of experience negotiating workouts on the lender side, can achieve superior results for its clients. Eightfold adds value to the workout process and is viewed as a facilitator by recommending strategies that are feasible for the borrower and have a high likelihood of approval by the lender.
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